The EnPleinAirTEXAS Ranch Fellowship bonds the area’s 100-year plein air painting history with an immersive invitational experience for four past EnPleinAirTEXAS Competition Artists in the authentic ranch culture of West Texas.
The four selected artists live and paint on a private ranch for three weeks. A spouse/significant other may accompany the artists.
Participants share daily ranch life with fellow artists, working separately on their art or exploring new ideas together.
A $1,000 Artist Ranch Fellowship is provided to help with travel, food, and other expenses.
Artists’ ranch paintings are curated for a major exhibit and sale in late October, benefiting the museum, with shared revenue favoring the artist. The exhibit draws new collectors and past patrons of the EnPleinAirTEXAS competitions.
Artists have the opportunity to share their talents and give back to the community, participating in a day of art engagement and teaching with local school children.
Community engagement and learning are enhanced by special events, as artists embrace the history of the 1920s Texas Artists Camp, which benefits SAMFA’s educational programs.
This exceptional opportunity is possible thanks to the relationships developed over ten years as area ranchers welcomed the EnPleinAirTEXAS (EPAT) Competition Artists to paint on their family property.
Much is on the horizon as the museum works to increase the visibility and participation of plein air painting with children, adults, and rural West Texas communities.
Suzie Baker on the Cleer Ranch